The Weekly Whisk - 3/19/19
Musings from a foodie…
An Incomparable Experience – Over the last couple of decades, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to visit some of the very finest restaurant establishments across the world. I’m thinking Steirereck in Vienna, Da Dong in Beijing, D.O.M. in Sao Paulo, The French Laundry in Napa, Charlie Trotter’s before it closed or LaGavroche in London. Each of these places – among many others – represents a site of artistic culinary cuisine that for those of us with taste buds can be a real-time dream in the midst of reality. So, my tastebuds were humbled when I recently had the opportunity to visit The Inn at Little Washington [ * * * * * *]. It’s been on my culinary bucket list for some time and I finally made it. Whoa! It was indescribable!!
First and foremost the Inn provides a lesson in exquisite attention to detail. From the table grooming to the silver change with each course to the close observation of the diners to the truly scrumdiliumpcious flavors of each and every course – it is worth every penny. We started dinner with bell pepper source and a puffed muffin and quickly proceeded to Wellfleet oysters with glazed hollandaise sauce and caviar. And, if that were not enough we went on to Hawaiian big eye tuna doused with a juniper and lime vinaigrette and truffle oil accompanied by fois gras served from the tin. I lost myself for a moment as I swirled my bread throughout the tin to capture every last drop of oil. We then moved on to scallops with a poached apple, currants and apple puree accompanied with a cashew curry sauce. Beyond the two seafood entrees, we then went onto buffalo short ribs in a truffle sauce and again, fois gras (I was in heaven) with a millefeulle (multi-layered, very thinly cut potato baked with cheese – ay yi yi :-) . And to finish off there was a decorative chocolate smore and a delicate white chocolate feather crafted for the finale. What an evening…
I won’t even go into breakfast the next morning when it started all over again with a perfect eggs benedict!! What a dining experience. As I said, “…worth every penny” and then some. There is a reason that Chef Patrick O’Connell has garnered 30 consecutive years of AAA and 29 years of Five Diamonds. I rank it as one of the very best of the best. And, going back – after I save a few more pennies. The Inn at Little Washington – Middle and Maine Streets – Washington, Virginia 22747 – (540) 675-3800 – Go for it. You only live once!