Folder Presentations, Articles and White Papers

As an industry thought-leaders we frequently speak at healthcare events and academic forums. ​Our numerous, thought-provoking white papers and articles. All can be accessed here.


pdf Article: Critical Issues in a National Healthcare Discussion Popular

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Deliberations on access, transparency and efficiency should guide the process

pdf Keynote: Information Technology in the New, New World of Healthcare Popular

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Discusses challenges and opportunities regarding large scale consolidation, the breakdown of traditional boundaries, and the rising tide of technology to the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE).

pdf Presentation: The Changing Face of eHeath: Here, There, Everywhere, Anywhere Popular

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Discusses the elements impacting the direction of ehealth and the evolving healthcare platform.

pdf The Healthcare Tsunami: How to Fund Future Initiatives Through the Revenue Cycle Popular

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Five main global forces that will affect U.S. healthcare in United States that healthcare leaders should consider when making strategic decisions.

pdf White Paper: Achieving Value in Heathcare Through Efficiency and Effectiveness Popular

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While the United States is inarguably host to one of the most advanced medical systems in the world, it is a system with vast opportunity to improve. Healthcare in America is fighting an epidemic of medical errors, soaring costs, and ineffective service. This white paper addresses two key concepts that will drive better quality, improve service delivery and reduce the cost of healthcare in America efficiency and effectiveness.

pdf White Paper: Advancing Healthcare through the Application of Predictive Knowledge Management Popular

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Examines how the healthcare industry can proactively support patient-focused care through the use of technology services that enable predictive analysis.

pdf White Paper: Advancing the Health of Populations through the Application of Predictive Knowledge Management Popular

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Offers high-level overview and analysis of the evolving field of data warehousing, mining, and analytics collectively known as Predictive Knowledge Management (PKM), which is an approach for proactively understanding the essentials of the population care delivery process and its outcomes in order to more effectively improve public health.

pdf White Paper: Clinical Innovations: A study of Northern Arizona Healthcare Popular

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Combining Revenue Cycle and Technical Outsourcing Services to Fuel Clinical Innovation

pdf White Paper: Data Mining Popular

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datamining_creo 2011-1221.pdf

Healthcare is on the verge of a notable new period of discovery. With the advent of the electronic health record, new opportunities for uncovering patterns of care we did not know existed will come to the forefront of medical knowledge. As the healthcare industry continues its drive to enhance quality of care, promote services and reduce cost, these undiscovered patterns of care will become increasingly transparent, first for physicians, nurses and other clinicians, and ultimately for all consumers of healthcare.

pdf White Paper: The Value of Clinical Transformation Popular

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The nation faces increased demands for better service and new requirements for quality in the face of increasing constraints on our nation’s fiscal resources. Calls for dramatic performance improvement are much more public and open than at any time in recent history.

Healthcare Consultants

    ...Inspiring creative change to benefit the human condition