The Weekly Whisk - 1/27/22
Musings from a foodie…
We haven’t been out much but this is a fabulous dish to accompany any meal of your choice [ * * * * ]. Take 1 small head cauliflower, cut into small florets. Dice up 12 fresh sage leaves. Add Kosher salt and black pepper to taste with 3 tablespoons of virgin olive oil. Roast at 400 in a baking dish for 25 – 30 minutes, stirring every 7+ minutes. About 10 minutes into the roasting exercise add a package of pre-made gnocchi mixed well with the cauliflower. Once done, serve to the family or guests and top using 1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese – or, as much as you want. Use the large grated cheese rather than the fine. Enjoy!!