The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly - 12/31/18

The ongoing saga…

The Great – Being with family over the holidays…

The Good – The Trump Administration released its 50 point recommendation list on what to do in health care but, for those of us who are policy nerds – it was a bit short on detail and action.  But, at least there is a list out there to facilitate discussion…

The Anxiety Provoking – The gyrations of the stock market are enough to give you the willies!!  I keep listening to the advisors; however, who tell us to sit tight.  Turning off the news helps too…

The Bad – The government shut down – to what purpose besides demonstrating total impasse?

The Ugly – The continuing animosity derived from tribalism – on both sides of the aisle – that seems to have a stranglehold on open discussions and debates at tables all across America.


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