The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly - 1/30/20
The ongoing saga…
The Great – Health care is back on top as a major consideration for the upcoming Presidential campaign. The industry has been adrift since the “repeal and replace” debate where no “replace” came forward. We desperately need to set a direction for health care and the opportunity for making that happen seems to be on the horizon. We should embrace it!!
The Good – The holidays are over and life is returning to normal (sort of…) with too much to do, a lot of possibilities and renewed energy by all to move to the next level.
The Bad – The partisan bickering. Need I say more?
The Sad – Regardless of your political leanings, the impeachment hearings are a sad day in America. However, let’s be civilized as we move this acrimonious period…
The Ugly – How can we not realize that climate change is a reality? Massive fires first in California, now Australia. Winter storms that dump huge amounts of snow and then melt within 24 hours, lobsters moving 150 miles further north to get into cooler water and the rest of it. Climate change has gone from back burner to side burner and now needs to be front burner – along with health care reform…