The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly 2/5/18

The ongoing saga...
The Great - Carnival has started in Brazil which means that warmer days are ahead in Maine!!
The Good - The stimulus provided by the Amazon-Berkshire-JPMorgan initiative will no doubt do a lot to shake up health care and move it from seeming lethargy to hopeful action.  We shall see and, we shall monitor the results. 
The Bad - Four years after the United States pledged to help the world fight infectious-disease epidemicssuch as Ebola, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is making huge cuts in its epidemic prevention programs for 39 out of 49 countries.  Why?  Because the money is running out.  But, hey, we need money to build a wall (SEE commentary above)...
The Ugly - Every day I seem to wake up to yet another effort - whether intentional or not - at piercing our democracy in an effort to rupture out state of affairs, sow mistrust among the people or sway in untoward directions with dystopian information.  The last time we had a similar level of crisis was during the Watergate Hearings, which I remember as if they were yesterday.  I was glued to the television when I wasn't studying.  But, those days pale in comparison.  While we are attacked from the outside, we seem to be simultaneously rotting from the inside.  The majority are in the middle.  We need to reclaim our rightful role in maintaining balance in society...
The Intolerable - As I'm preparing this blog, the news of the mass shooting at a Florida high school is crossing the news wire and consuming all of us.  When is enough, enough?  It is absurd that we allow this type of situation to occur in our nation's schools.  Is the NRA going to suggest that we should arm our children so that they are protected?  WE, THE PEOPLE - from all political persuasions - need to say we're done with this type of absurdity.  How many more must die before we declare enough? 
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