Responding In Kind - 8/29/24

Responses and comments from my readers…I do receive periodic information from the many readers of the blog. While I have often responded individually, I decided that I should share more transparently. Hopefully, this contributes to an ongoing dialogue… 

A Couple Of Rediscovered Emails – [#1] I appreciated and enjoyed - even savored - every bite in this newsletter. Thanks for continuing to share your musings with all of us!! Janet.G – KMF Response: Thanks!! Much appreciated. [#2] I really enjoyed your latest communication. I am now a healthy 84-year-old widower with 2 Labradoodles and am basically pretty happy. I am always hungry after reading your food news. Keep up the good work. Kent.G – KMF Response: From one health care warrior to another – Thanks!! 

On The Increased Loneliness Citation – “I was struck by your loneliness statistic. And cell phone problems. I was recently on local TV advocating to prohibit cellphones in schools. [We] note how often we go out to eat and people look at their cell phones instead of each other. Such a world. At least the election will give us our first female President. Yippee. So glad we lived to see this. Fondly” – R.O. KMF Response: Agree on all counts, except we should not count the chickens before they are hatched!

On The Simone Biles Quote – “Gosh I only have 350 turtles. I left a note to my executor to take them to my funeral and invite all the attendees to take one home.” – K.K. KMF Response: Not a bad idea. Perhaps I’ll reconsider and join you in the Great Turtle Giveaway.

On My Commentary – As always I enjoyed this issue and equally appreciate another person’s perspective/vantage point. I was somewhat surprised that after all of your support and propping up of President Biden over the ~past year, that you did not acknowledge (KMF: not in my blog) that you had misjudged who he had become and his cognitive and physical decline that those of us not so ideologically blinded by him have witnessed and known for a long time.   It must sting to know that his owned party knifed him in the back and threw him to the sharks (KMF: not true, that’s Fox spin) …his removal from 2024 was anything but valiant, patriotic, country above self or any other nonsense…So fast forward, the world, yes the world, has the prospect of a VP that by her own words and actions, up until the moment she was anointed, is far left of left….this is her record (KMF: I don’t believe “left of left” but, show me the record and details!) and no amount of spin or revisionist history can change the facts (KMF: So, send them!).  VP Kamala’s record makes President Biden’s record look like a far right conservative in comparison. Then we have Trump that many love to hate because of his ‘stereotypical New Yorker‘ approach and of course the media bias, twists and misinformation to go along with his own missteps (KMF: No. It’s the authoritarian and Mafioso approach to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, it goes on from here…  Warmest regards, T.M.

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