Readings and Listening To Consider - 1/3/23//
Books and Articles Worth a Review…
Memory And Politics – It seems that we – as a nation – are all a dither about the memory capabilities of our candidates for President. In recent weeks, both Candidate Trump and President Biden have had public lapses in their memory. So, do we have a problem? Mary Louise Kelly recently hosted a session on National Public Radio (NPR) that you may want to listen to for thoughts from experts on the question. The essence of the piece is that it’s common for people of advancing age to have memory lapses that are not necessarily associated with dementia or cognitive impairment. Whew!!! I was getting concerned. I know this is a big issue on all sides of the equation and there are lots of pointing fingers out there on both sides. To be honest, at the ripe old age of 73 I recognize that I’m not as quick on the draw at pulling memories from the old brain as I was in the last decade but I’m not senile, nor do I have dementia. So, all of us need to get educated on what the experts are saying rather than the pundits and partisans who are pointing fingers at both candidates. Perhaps I’m being too middle-of-the-road but it seems to me that we should be looking at results and team. The President of the USA needs to surround him/herself with the best-skilled team members and work to obtain the best results not only for us – as a nation – but also for the world at large. So, I’ll leave it there.